Day Two - Table Mountain
Day Two - Table Mountain:
Today we decided to go to the main attraction and focal point that makes Cape Town unique, which is Table Mountain! Luckily for us this happened to be the only day where there were perfect skies at the top of the Table, which is very rare if your a tourist.
To get near to the sumit you first need to get a taxi to the Lower Station, which is about a quarter of the way up Table Mountain. To get to the top you have to go by cable car. This cable car however rotates round 360 degrees, as well as going diagonally up the side of the mountain giving you fantastic views of the city.
Once up at the top it is suprising hot, considering we are at the highest point in the Cape region. There are wildlife trails to follow and numerous flora growing in the rocks. From the Table Cloth you can see right to Cape Point and beyond, as well as a clear view of the top of Signal Hill and the Lion's Head and the cities suburbs. Steve my kerrr-ray-zee taxi driver said that is where paragliders take off from and drift over the city with their plastic wings. He also asked if we had been held up at gun point or something relating to guns, but he was only JOKING.

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